There are many ways you can help FVRSG. We greatly appreciate any help you can provide.
ALL DONATIONS go straight to charities in the field to provide much needed relief and support, such as warm clothing, tents and sleeping bags, food and drink, recharging of mobile phones etc.
Some of your donations will be turned into care parcels and handed out, by our trusted counterparts in Northern France, to refuges sleeping rough in Calais, Dunkirk and Paris.
Our “Little bags of Hope” may contain water, seeds/nuts, toiletries, warm underwear, scarves & gloves, and other basic items.
Administrative costs are borne by members of the group through donations made at meetings.
Once again: Every penny you give goes straight to those in need.
Ways to donate
Bank Transfer
You can pay directly into our bank account using these details:
Account Name | FVRSG (Faversham and Villages Refugee Solidarity Group) |
Account Number | 00032736 |
Sort Code | 405240 |
People’s Fundraising
You can also donate to FVRSG through our People’s Fundraising page. This is the easiest way to set up a Monthly Direct Debit or to donate with PayPal.
Other Ways You Can Help
Items for donation
FVRSG no longer have means of storing donations for refugees.
You can view current requirements via the Needs Lists on the Care 4 Calais website. See below for details.
For small collections you may well find that an alternative solution considering research, time, and travel costs, is to donate the items to your favourite UK charity shop, and support refugees with a cash donation in place of cash intended for that charity. Front-line volunteers are increasingly finding that cash to buy what’s needed in bulk locally is more economical than receipt and delivery of clothes from Britain.
Thank you for your generous concern for refugees.